EvolveCareers Connect - powered by TEX

A dynamic platform connecting students with alumni

Empowering alumni to prepare students for their future

Alumni offer a wealth of experience, knowledge, and opportunities that can significantly enhance your students’ educational journeys and career readiness. But how can you systematically harness this social capital in a way that benefits both your students and your alumni?

That's where EC Connect comes in - a revolutionary alumni mentoring and work shadowing platform created by TEX and EvolveCareers.

A Dynamic Platform

For Future-Ready Education

EC Connect is not just another educational tool; it’s a comprehensive, community-driven platform powered by an AI-powered skills engine and diagnostic tool, and global industry insights drawn from 5 million live job adverts and the McKinsey future skills framework.



We understand the importance of branding and community engagement. That’s why EC Connect offers a fully customizable platform, allowing you to brand it with your school’s identity. With a unique URL, seamless integration with existing systems, and fast onboarding, your students, alumni, and partners will have a smooth and personalized experience.

The heart of EC Connect is its ability to connect people. Your students, alumni, employer partners, and parents create profiles, rating their capabilities against the most sought-after skills in today’s job market. The platform then intelligently matches students with mentors who can help them grow, or they can search for expertise on their own. Through video calls, shared notes, and actionable feedback, students gain real-world insights and support.

Our skills engine doesn’t just match students with mentors—it also personalizes their learning journey. When a skill gap is identified, students are guided to self-paced online courses developed by industry leaders. They can earn micro-credentials and digital badges, enhancing their CVs and social media profiles, showcasing their readiness for future employers.

EC Connect goes beyond the classroom by facilitating work shadowing opportunities, directly connecting students with real-world experiences aligned to their skills and interests. The platform also provides robust data analytics, giving you insights into skill development, social capital, and the impact of learning and mentoring initiatives.

We understand that each school has unique needs, and our platform is fully customizable to align with your specific safeguarding policies and institutional goals. Our white-labelled solution allows you to maintain control over the features and parameters of usage, ensuring that it fits seamlessly into your school’s safeguarding framework. You can read our safeguarding policy here.



We co-create our content with leading employers globally to identify the gaps, issues, and pain points for early career talent joining the workforce. This gives us the inside scoop, truly unique insights, and access into the needs of employers at the cutting edge of today and tomorrow.

1,000 employers worked with globally.

We know the journey young people go on from education to the world of work – the highs, the lows, the pain points, and the aspirations. We design our content to help learners directly and powerfully address these key moments in the transition, giving them new perspectives on the issues that actually matter, and with the biggest impact.  

50,000 students and young people we have worked with 

We firmly believe in the importance of equal access to learning, regardless of one's background or circumstances. We aim to eliminate common barriers to participation and ensure that everyone has a fair chance to benefit from our programs.

2018 Winner of the Championing Diversity Award at the PIEoneer Awards 

Ready to Transform Your School’s Future?

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to empower your students with the skills, connections, and experiences they need to succeed. Contact us today to schedule a free demo of EC Connect. Together, we can prepare your students for the workforce of tomorrow.